Tuesday, 12 January 2010

What it looks like.....From the Back

What it looks like.....

The Process-Latch Hooking

Details of the Latch Hooked Fabric, all holes were created by the single hole punch.....

Pattern Set Up

Here are the Patterns, i wanted to make them really simple so that any one can recreate this and understand it.

How to Make do and Mend

These are the Tools that i used and one can use.....

When the garment is dissected this is what it looks like when all laid out

And so it begins....

Stand Design

My First attempts at Pattern Cutting from scratch.......

Re working, Taking it from paper to fabric. Taking the main shape of the caplet style and introducing the box pleats, making the garment see more interesting and effective.....

Main Thing

Looking at all the Make do and Mend books, i considered re vamping the methods in a less conventional way, introducing new ways of working.

Completely dis missing the conventional methods mentioned in the books under the fashion heading and went for something completely different, LATCH HOOKING

Also choosing a simple design, The simplest design women used to create was the Caplet Jacket, i wanted to re create this, hence the reason of my main theme of make do and mending!

Jacket of Memories.....

Dad's fishing jacket,

i wanted to completely dissect this jacket and rearrange it! take it apart, dissect the meaning of a conventional waterproof rain jacket.

stand draping

Simple garment
Latch Hook Rugg

latch hooking


Taking a simple cardigan and manipulating it
and transforming it to be something
completely different

My Manifesto for ZERO

  1. I Swear to use Zero technology apart from printing initial images of research

and photography, so I can develop my ideas.

2. All research and collections of notes all have to be displayed in my three

sketchbooks; Diary, Research (written) and sketchbook

3. To keep a day to day diary with notes and my timings on computer and other electrical


4. To understand that the phrase ‘ Make do and Mend’ is verboten, and that in this case

I will use no conventional methods of joinery

-NO Sewing on the Machine or by Hand

-NO Knitting or Crochet

5. Research all methods that are discussed and described to what to do under the fashion

category. Hence the reason I won’t be using any conventional methods

6. I swear to use only found objects and pieces of clothing that I have been searching

for and that have been given to me. And to not reinvent the same thing again but to

create something different and unique.

7. With this project, I will disclose the meaning of production, invite collaboration

between history, present and future. And generally debunk the maner-as-outer-theory

Thus I make my vow of virtue………

Day One continued......

Day One

Brief received, sounds more like me, make do and mend with the traditional slides of things. But still feel a bit out of my comfort zone, big time! But, But But, that is what i want to do!

looking at the possibilities, trying to dismiss and put the knitting to a side and look at more the silhouette and the form on the body, rather than placing it directly on and knitting straight away. so with that in mind i’m going to use all the fabric i have at home and explore the possibilities of what can be achieved and then placing it and doing it in knit...........to be continued maybe.....

Had a discussion with the groups, we all had to bring in one thing that has memory, a feeling and an emotion. i choose to ring my bridesmaids headdress from when i was 5 years old at y aunties wedding. the memory is in snippets which to me epitomizes ‘Memory’. MEMORY if not recorded is, FRAGILE, SENTIMENTAL, FORGIVING, A DETAIL, A DATE, A REMEMBRANCE AND A FEELING. this piece has all that feeling, also a fantasy, it is ever possible to feel all these emotions and not ever forget them or in fact to remember them. One to have a happy ending to have a fairytale, to have that acknowledgment from someone or something, is it ever possible?

Other things that were discussed were the meanings of zero and the make do and mend, the crisis!


…any efforts to safeguard traditional craftsmanship must focus not on preserving craft objects but on creating conditions that will encourage artisans to continue to produce crafts of all kinds and to transfer their skills and knowledge to others….

Molecular Stitching

Cellular, Molecular.......

Images from my sketchbook, Primary Source